Simply Stretch

Simply Stretch is my comprehensive approach to helping you enjoy the benefits of stretching. I offer group stretch classes and one-on-one sessions.

You’ve probably noticed people “stretching” before working out.

Usually, that stretching includes a few, quick toe touches and maybe a runner’s stretch. Then, it’s off to their workouts.

Most people are in a hurry to get their workouts going, so they stretch quickly (if at all).

Over time, we’ve come to learn how ineffective that approach to stretching is.

Stretching our muscles and tendons shouldn’t be an afterthought, but an important part of our daily routines.


Because most people experience shortened and/or tight muscles from sitting at work, improper posture, or even working out.

Those shortened and tight muscles cause an imbalance in your body, which can lead to limited range of motion in places like your hips, shoulders, back, and neck. That tightness shows up as things like a sore lower back and tight neck muscles.

Stretching can help.

Plus, stretching your muscles and tendons just feels good. After a full body stretch, I always feel relaxed, calm, and centered.

That’s why stretching is so important and why I offer a range of options for you to experience the benefits of full body stretching.

Simply Stretch Sample Programs

All About You

Sometimes, we just need (or want) a relaxing, tension-relieving, full body stretch.

In this session, we focus on helping you feel better, less stressed, and more balanced. Think of it as a spa day for your muscles and tendons.

I’ll guide you through a series of gentle stretches to help lengthen your muscles, increase blood flow to your muscles, and improve your range of motion.

An important part of our time together is to practice being mindful. My guided stretching approach will help grow your awareness of the mind/body connection, which helps you to stay in the moment, relax, and get the most out of every gentle stretch.

Even if you’re not a regular exerciser, you’ll love this indulgence.

Strength and Stretch Fusion

In this program, we combine a strength training workout with a stretching session. We start with a warm-up and get straight to a high-energy, full body workout. Once we’ve done that, I’ll take you through a guided stretch.

We’ll cover each of the major muscles and tendons during the stretch and we’ll also focus on specific areas that may need a little more attention.

When you’re done, you’ll feel stronger, more flexible, and ready to take on your next workout (or anything else).

Sport-Specific Stretching

People who enjoy sports, like golf, tennis, pickleball or running have specific areas of the body they rely on most to play their sport. I’ve designed a number of sport-specific programs to help my clients perform better and reduce the risk of injury.

Let’s talk about your specific needs and design a stretching routine that works for you.

Learn More About Simply Stretch

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